Criminal defense is one of my main practice areas. I understand the emotional roller coaster which inevitably accompanies a criminal charge. In my view, the most important quality of a good criminal defense lawyer is heart. Even in the worst circumstances, when a positive outcome seems all but impossible, a good criminal defense counsel must keep up his spirit and continue the fight. He must investigate every possibility for improving the situation of his client. He must never give up on his client.
I have experience in dealing with:
- driving-related offenses (e.g. refuse to blow) and drug-related offenses (e.g. grow-op cases) - the more technical side of criminal defense, where careful study of the facts and the law pays large dividends;
- sexual offenses, including sexual assault, sexual interference and invitation to sexual touching;
- domestic assaults and assaults in general;
- applications for s. 810 peace-bonds;
- criminal harassment;
- thefts; and
- other offenses, including forgery and counterfeit money.
I also have experience in closely-related areas, such as:
- Immediate Roadside Prohibitions;
- Copyright Act offenses;
- Motor Vehicle Act offenses;
- criminal inadmissibility in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; and
- civil forfeitures.